Warning Signs
Common symptoms that may indicate your need to visit a cardiologist:
- Your feet are often cold.
- You have numbness, tingling, or swelling in your legs.
- You have chest pain or feel pressure, especially when walking or climbing stairs.
- You have difficulty breathing when lying flat.
- You have a family history of heart disease.
- You have had a stroke or mini-stroke.
- You have a cough that won’t go away if you are not sick.
- You have irregular or rapid pulse.
Our Services
- Contrast echocardiograms (bubble study)
- Echocardiogram
- Dobutamine stress echocardiogram
- Exercise treadmill test
- General cardiology
- Heart disease
- Hypertension
- Interventional procedures
- Invasive procedures
- Lipid therapy
- Pacemaker evaluation
- Rhythm diagnosis
- Rhythm management
- Stress echocardiogram
Cardiology is the study of the heart and is the area of medicine that deals with disorders of the heart and circulatory system. Our cardiologists here at Granger Medical Clinic can assist with any issues and can perform a variety of tests to make sure your heart is healthy. Common…