Neurology is the area of medicine that deals with the nervous system which include the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The neurologists here at Granger Medical Clinic diagnose and treat disorders of the nervous system such as dementia, seizures and epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, headaches, neuropathy, stroke, neuromuscular disease, head trauma, and more. They perform an extensive review of your health history in addition to a physical exam which may include mental status, function of the cranial nerves, strength, coordination, reflexes, and sensation.
Our highly trained and friendly staff work continuously to stay up-to-date on the latest research and treatment options in order to maintain a superior level of care. We encourage our patients to be an active participant in their care and treatment plan. We want you to feel confident and empowered in reaching optimal health.
Diagnostic Testing
Diagnostic testing is crucial in assisting your provider in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. Here is a list of some common tests that may be required.
- Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan) – Formerly referred to as a computerized axial tomography scan (CAT scan), a CT scan combines a series of X-ray images that are taken from various angles around a certain area of the body and uses computer processing technology to produce cross-sectional images of the bones, blood vessels, and soft tissues. CT scans show more detail than traditional X-rays can.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging or Magnetic Resonance Angiogram Scans (MRI or MRA Scans) – MRI scanners use a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce images of the organs and structures inside the body. They are also vey useful for examining the brain and spinal cord. MRA scanners use the same technique, but are used to produce images of the blood vessels inside the body.
- Lumbar Puncture – A lumbar puncture, also commonly referred to as a spinal tap, is a procedure that involves inserting a needle into the spinal canal through the lower back (between two lumbar bones) to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic testing. This procedure is necessary in order to diagnose certain conditions of the brain and spinal cord such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Our Services
- Abnormal Head Size or Shape
- Dementia
- Headache Treatments
- Migraine Therapy
- Migraine Variants
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Seizures & Epilepsy
Patients may choose to seek care on their own or they may be referred by their primary care provider or other specialist. It is important to consider insurance requirements, such as a referral, before consulting with a specialist.